Plastic Surgery For Men

Men of all ages, facial structure, and body type are increasingly turning to plastic surgery to emphasize their masculine features and attractiveness to live life confidently. Dr. Hamilton is passionate about providing the most modern, advanced surgical and non-surgical techniques in plastic surgery — with customized, patient-centered care — to achieve a natural, rejuvenated, yet distinctly masculine and athletic result for male patients. With artistry, precision and meticulous planning, Dr. Hamilton focuses on creating refined results — while accelerating recovery with state-of-the-art, post-treatment protocols — so every male patient looks like the best version of himself, feeling ready to take on the world.

To learn more about the expansive selection of procedures Dr. Hamilton offers or to schedule a consultation, contact us today.

Rhinoplasty / Nose-Reshaping Surgery

The nose is the centerpiece feature of the face, and it plays an important role in defining facial character. An ideal male nose is strong and straight – and it should fade into the background to allow other facial features to stand out.

Primary Rhinoplasty is a transformative procedure that creates an aesthetic, masculine nasal shape and profile to achieve cosmetic and functional goals. The nose is a complex structure and requires a deep understanding of anatomy to produce optimal results. Rhinoplasty can powerfully straighten a crooked nose, narrow a wide nose, remove humps on the dorsum (nasal bridge), upwardly-rotate and re-shape the nasal tip, and effectively improve breathing. Rhinoplasty can be combined with another facial procedure, such as chin and jawline contouring to harmonize and balance the patient’s front and side profile. With attention-to-detail and artistic finesse, Dr. Hamilton designs a bespoke plan to optimize nasal shape, function, and profile proportions of the nose and chin, enabling her patients to enjoy a high quality of life.

Revision Rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure designed for patients who desire improvement in the appearance and function of their nose, after having undergone a previous rhinoplasty. Revision rhinoplasty is rewarding surgery that can be life-changing for patients.

Facial Rejuvenation For Men

Dr. Hamilton specializes in the aesthetics, attractiveness, and subtleties of the facial structure. She customizes facial rejuvenation procedures specifically for men that restore youthfulness and symmetry – with the key to finesse male facial rejuvenation being to create an attractive, distinctly masculine and natural look, while preserving facial identity. Dr. Hamilton a powerful armamentarium of plastic surgery tools – ranging from non-surgical and minimally-invasive techniques to fully corrective, surgical procedures — from which to develop and implement a male facial rejuvenation plan to effectively achieve her patients’ aesthetic goals.

Surgical treatments for male facial rejuvenation include: facelift; neck lift; rhinoplasty (nose-reshaping surgery); upper and lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty); facial fat transfer; brow lift; chin, neck, and jawline contouring; lip lift; buccal fat pad reduction (lower cheek contouring); and ear surgery. Each procedure plays a dynamic role in boosting confidence and quality of life.

Non-surgical techniques can be combined with male facial rejuvenation surgery to further refine aesthetic results obtained from surgery, including: laser resurfacing treatments, radiofrequency tightening treatments, and injectables such as neuromodulators (e.g., Botox) and dermal fillers.


Dr. Hamilton performs finesse, state-of-the-art Primary Facelifts for males that are unique to each patient’s facial features, anatomy, and aesthetic goals. With her extensive knowledge of the distinct aspects of male anatomy and the most modern surgical techniques, Dr. Hamilton reverses the signs of aging by lifting deeper facial layers and filling facial areas that require volume replacement, such as the temples, cheeks, forehead, under-eye tear troughs, jawline, and earlobes. During facelift surgery, Dr. Hamilton meticulously lifts and smooths the lower two-thirds of the face — by removing excess skin and tissue, in addition to delicately repositioning and tightening the underlying muscles. Volume restoration is achieved using the patient’s own fat for a natural, long-lasting result.  A skin treatment such as laser resurfacing can also be added to greatly improve the quality and texture of the skin itself, addressing fine lines and wrinkles. Brow lift and eyelid surgery often complement facelift surgery for complete facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Hamilton additionally performs Revision Facelifts that correct and improve the results of previous facelift surgery to produce the aesthetic outcome desired by her patients.

Neck Lift

A Necklift creates a sculpted, youthful neck and jawline contour, with a smooth, well-defined neck-chin (cervicomental) angle by removing loose, excess skin, eliminating fatty tissue in the lower face and neck (including jowls and double chin), and tightening the platysmal neck muscles that create vertical banding. A contoured, youthful-looking, rejuvenated neck and jawline powerfully restores an essential element of facial masculinity to men.

Blepharoplasty / Upper And Lower Eyelid Surgery

The eyes play a pivotal role in defining facial attractiveness in humans. A Blepharoplasty is Eyelid Surgery for the Upper and/or Lower Eyelids that effectively removes excess, sagging skin and fat deposits around the eyes to brighten and rejuvenate them, while preserving their natural character. Upper and lower eyelid surgery offers a plethora of benefits: symmetry, upper-lid show, and smooth eyelid skin and texture —as a result of correcting physical features such as hooded eyes, droopy eyelids, obstructed vision, wrinkles surrounding the eyes (including crow’s feet and crepe-like skin), puffiness, hollowness, and dark, under-eye circles.

A blepharoplasty involves intricate, bespoke surgery for the eyelids. Dr. Hamilton — who is widely known for her fine, delicate, virtually imperceptible suturing — attracts patients who require looking their very best on camera, while working online or in television, radio, social media, modeling, and the performing arts. She artistically optimizes the appearance of the upper eyelid, placing tiny sutures in the naturally-occurring lid crease to render them nearly invisible once healed. During rejuvenation of the lower eyelid, tiny sutures are placed either immediately below the lower lash line (making them virtually invisible) or totally inside the lower lid (for a completely invisible result). Confidence rises from obtaining a youthful, rejuvenated appearance that brightens the eyes, yet still preserves the eyes’ natural character

Brow Lift

A Brow Lift subtly elevates the eyebrows to restore a youthful position on the face, creating attractive, symmetrically-shaped brows. Lifting low eyebrows improves eyelid hooding and restores smoothness to the eyes and upper face, delivering a fresh, bright look. A surgical brow lift is often paired with a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) for optimal enhancement of the eye area, or it can be a stand-alone procedure.

Facial Fat Transfer / Fat Grafting

Fat from deposits in the patient’s own body is strategically transferred into the face surgically to restore lost volume for instant rejuvenation. Facial Fat Transfer/Grafting provides a more permanent, natural alternative to dermal fillers, and it forms an integral part of every facelift. Facial Fat Transfer is also performed as a stand-alone procedure to add volume to facial areas including: the cheeks, temples, neck, chin and jawline, upper eyelids, under-eye tear troughs, nasolabial folds (smile lines alongside the inner cheeks), marionette lines (lines from the mouth’s outer corners towards the chin), and earlobes for a noticeably younger, smooth, rejuvenated look.

Chin, Neck, And Jawline Rejuvenation

Chin, neck and jawline contouring optimizes the balance of a man’s facial features with his nose to provide increased facial harmony. A chiseled chin is elemental to an attractive, masculine look.
Submental Liposuction (Chin and Neck Liposuction) is a transformational, finesse, surgical procedure — the gold standard for permanently removing excess, stubborn subcutaneous fat that collects around the neck and jawline. A contoured, distinctly masculine, angular jawline results, together with a smooth, well-defined chin and neck, for a youthful, refreshed appearance. This elegant technique can target either larger fat deposits that form “double chins” to produce a slim, sculpted lower face – or a “skinny” version can alternatively be conducted to remove even the tiniest amount of submental fat, making the chin and jawline look ideal from all angles, especially on camera.

A Chin Implant provides another option to rejuvenate the chin. A soft, custom-fitted implant can be placed into the chin to optimize the overall shape and projection of the chin and jawline, providing facial balance and an enhanced, masculine look.

Buccal Fat Pad Reduction / Lower Cheek Contouring

Buccal Fat Pad Reduction achieves lower cheek contouring in minutes. This surgical approach slims overly full, round “chipmunk” cheeks that can cause a relatively heavy appearance in the lower cheek area. The buccal fat pads – an area of naturally-occurring fat located in the hollows of the lower cheeks – can cause fullness in the lower face. Dr. Hamilton artfully removes a portion of these fat pads through two tiny incisions made inside the mouth to create a slimmer, contoured, distinctly masculine, chiseled face with symmetry and greater definition of the cheekbones and chin. This procedure has become an increasingly popular way to instantly achieve a more contoured facial shape.

Lip Lift

Due to genetics and/or time, the lips thin and the philtrum – the vertical indentation between the base of the nose and the border of the upper lip – can increase, creating a heavy look to the upper lip area that throws facial harmony off-balance. A surgical lip lift shortens this elongated space, creating an improved, aesthetically-pleasing philtral distance with fuller-looking lips. Lifting the position of the lip surgically creates balance and harmony, restoring proportion, symmetry, and a youthful shape to the upper lip.

Ear Surgery / Otoplasty

Dr. Hamilton performs Ear Surgery that reshapes, re-sizes, and repositions protruding, prominent, overly-large, misshapen, or torn ears.

Ear Pinning reshapes protruding, forward-facing ears. Dr. Hamilton surgically brings the ears closer to the side of the head for a balanced, symmetrical appearance. Fading the ears into the background can have profound, transformational benefits to patients beyond the new, natural look of their ears – prior, hurtful teasing disappears, and self-confidence flourishes.

Earlobe Reduction converts large, elongated, or stretched-out earlobes into a proportionate shape – with tiny sutures discretely placed in the earlobe crease. Creating youthful-looking, balanced, symmetrical earlobes for patients transforms their look and builds confidence.

Body Contouring

Men — with their unique aesthetic goals and distinguishing physical characteristics — seek a natural-looking, masculine build and a contoured, athletic physique in the chest, abdomen, midsection, thighs, and arms. With Body Contouring, Dr. Hamilton removes excess, stubborn body fat and defines existing muscle mass. To achieve the goals of her patients, she performs a wide spectrum of surgical contouring procedures, including Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty); High-Definition Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty with High-Definition Liposuction / Abdominal Etching); Arm Lift (Brachioplasty); Thigh Lift; Back Lift; Buttock Lift; Body Lift; and Surgery after Weight Loss (comprising a selection of these body-contouring procedures). Contouring uniquely masculine characteristics and employing lifting techniques result in a well-defined, masculine chest, slim waistline, and toned body, arms, thighs, back, or abdomen.

Dr. Hamilton customizes each body-contouring procedure to meet her patients’ standards of masculinity and attractiveness. During an Abdominoplasty, for example, Dr. Hamilton creates a defined, V-shaped, contoured abdomen by surgically removing excess, stubborn abdominal fat and skin, while tightening the core abdominal muscles and liposuctioning additional pockets of the flank and back, if required. These surgical maneuvers highlight the abdominal musculature for an athletic appearance. Body contouring can be life-changing, making a patient feel confident and revitalized.

Gynecomastia / Male Chest Reduction

Gynecomastia is a condition of enlargement of glandular breast tissue in males. Dr. Hamilton’s bespoke surgical plan for Male Chest Reduction depends on the unique anatomy of each patient — and often combines chest liposuction with direct excision of excess glandular tissue through a small discrete incision. The excess fat can be reinjected into the upper portions of the pectoral muscles to further enhance chest definition. The overall effect is a sculpted, masculine chest area with greater muscular definition and smooth overlying skin.

Liposuction For Men

Liposuction (minimally-invasive, fat-removal surgery) is a powerful technique to permanently remove stubborn fat deposits and sculpt the contours of the male physique.  Liposuction can be performed almost everywhere on the lower face and body using inconspicuously placed, tiny incisions that become virtually invisible to the eye over time. Dr. Hamilton sculpts the chin, neck, abdomen, shoulders, arms, flanks, hips, knees, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, and ankles. Liposuction can complement other contouring procedures such as a neck lift, abdominoplasty, treatment for gynecomastia, and laser treatments.

One single liposuction treatment permanently removes pockets of fat in large or highly-focused areas to contour and create masculine definition of the face, neck, and body. To treat smaller deposits of fat, Dr. Hamilton performs Liposculpture to produce a more toned appearance. With Liposculture, she can also artfully employ an advanced, highly-precise technique called High-Definition Liposuction (or Abdominal Etching) to create chiseled contours, sculpted “six-pack” abdominal muscles, and subtle hip highlights for an athletic, well-defined, muscular physique. The patient’s own autologous fat can also be transferred with Fat Transfer/Grafting to other portions of the body where volume can be restored permanently, such as the face, upper surface of the hands, buttocks, pectoral muscles, and deltoids. The overall result is transformational and highly satisfying to patients.

PRP Hair Restoration

Hair and identity are inextricably linked in human beings, leading them to seek treatment to restore and grow hair, once thinning begins. PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Hair Restoration is an excellent, non-surgical treatment to stimulate the growth of the remaining active hair follicles to promote regrowth and thicken the hair. During PRP Therapy, a rising trend in hair-restoration methodologies, Dr. Hamilton strategically injects a concentrate of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) — derived from the patient’s own blood — directly into the scalp. Rich in special growth factors (or proteins), PRP triggers and accelerates collagen production and the growth of dermal papilla cells (hair cells) located at the base of the hair follicles, increasing the number of reparative hair cells produced. Patients typically undergo three treatments spread four weeks apart for optimal results, with maintenance treatments every 3–6 months. The healing, stimulating properties of PRP that promote cell growth can also be effectively applied to other body parts (such as the face) to stimulate skin-tissue rejuvenation.  With highly effective results and no downtime, the hair regrowth triggered by PRP Therapy enhances masculine identity, making men look and feel good.

Hand Rejuvenation

Hand Rejuvenation is increasingly becoming popular as a way to ensure an individual’s hands appear as youthful and refreshed as the rest of the face and body. With her set of surgical and nonsurgical rejuvenating procedures — performed singly or in combination of — Dr. Hamilton can address loss of volume and electricity, fine lines and wrinkles, increased visibility of veins, pigmentation, uneven texture, and a bony, sinewy look to enhance the appearance of her patients’ hands. Fat Transfer/Grafting is a minimally-invasive surgical treatment where the patient’s own body fat is extracted and injected into the top of the hands (the dorsum). Non-surgical procedures offered include: Injectable Dermal Fillers, Laser Skin Resurfacing, and Chemical Peels. These procedures provide a variety of benefits, from stimulating collagen to plumping the skin tissue — with minimal or no downtime — revealing hands that are full, soft, smooth, balanced, and young-looking.