Facial Sculpting

Facial Sculpting is the art of subtly applying dermal fillers and neuromodulators (such as BOTOX® Cosmetic) to the face with finesse to optimally refine an individual’s facial features — for a beautiful, aesthetic rejuvenation featuring a natural-looking finish and harmonious balance. Dr. Hamilton specializes in bringing light to the high points of the face, tailored to the patient’s anatomy, which creates dimension, natural highlighting, and a beautiful, youthful glow — a wonderful benefit for all individuals desiring to look and feel the best version of themselves in person, in a videoconference, and on camera, television or social media.

The facial structure is complex. Dr. Hamilton’s philosophy is to meticulously use her vision, knowledge of anatomy, and advanced, aesthetic techniques to assess each patient’s face globally from all angles to create natural-looking, customized results that enhance, rather than artificially exaggerate, the patient’s physical features. Dr. Hamilton artistically makes precise, incremental, micro-adjustments to enhance a patient’s inherited physical features or refresh an aging face. In both cases, Dr. Hamilton’s focus is to achieve symmetry, proportion, and harmony in the overall face — rather than in isolated sections — creating an elegant, aesthetic facial shape and balanced profile that maximizes beauty, youth, and confidence, while preserving facial character. 

Facial Sculpting refines specific areas of the face, as a single procedure or a combination of treatments, per patient goals, 

While surgery is the gold standard when rejuvenating a facial appearance aesthetically, using these injectables to enhance facial shape, structure and angles is a great alternative for those interested in a nonsurgical alternative (with minimal or no downtime) to achieving a beautiful, polished look that optimally reflects light for a great, camera-ready look.